i think last nights game was about two things, first we got to see schilling and how hurt he really is, and second that mussina pitched a awesome game until the 6th inning. other than that it was even imo. lieber is pretty good pitcher but his thing is throwing strikes and getting hitters to put the ball in play, those pitchers usually don't succeed in the playoffs (i think espn wrote a piece on him). As for pedro, well 50/50 shot what pitcher shows up, he is either going to strike out 10 and be on fire or he'll get lit up like a candle. i am a jays fan so my team is no were near the playoffs, but i am sick of seeing the yankees ever october. would be nice to see some else go to the world series....to be the team to loses to st.louis hehe
Matsui was awesome at the dish last night, that first double was clutch for yankee's. The boston hitters just don't scare me that much, i think they are very good, but the yankee's are just to good at the plate.
Last edited by canuckguy; 10-13-2004 at 08:53 AM..