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Old 10-13-2004, 04:37 AM   #26 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Tophat665
Don't vote and get raped? OK that's not really any dumber than saying there are definitely WMDs in Iraq (Rummy and Cheney), or that tabby cats are the earthly agents of Satan (Ashcroft).

OK, look, no one ever expected Cameron Diaz to be much smarter than the characters she plays, but what is this crap about "Musicians/actors are not qualified to comment on politics"? They're not citizens? They don't have a right to vote?
Just because you are a citizen and have the right to vote doesn't mean you have the informational backing to make an enlightened comment on politics.
Would you like to hear some of the things I've heard from the random 'qualified citizen' in regards to politics? There are smart celebs...there are dumb celebs. There are some extremely left leaning celebs that while I don't agree with their views in many cases I don't think they are lacking in basic logic. Little miss Cameron with her comments isn't one of them.

Hell, many of them are finacially sucessful without their daddies' help. I 'spect that makes them more qualified to comment on politics as relates to economics than the current resident of the whitehouse.
Ummmm no. These are people that get rich on the whim of the public willing to pay them for entertainment. These same people have more money than any of us will ever see in our lifetimes and many of them blow through that money so quickly that VH1 will never be without "What happened to..." specials because these people don't understand much of anything and economics on the level of it being political DEFINATELY wouldn't be one of their strong suits.

But all slandering Bush aside, it is these people's JOB to comment on society. It's what they are there for.
No it's not. There job is to sit there and entertain. Now if they want to branch out and comment on society and it's ills that's fine but excuse me while I point and laugh my butt off at a person that is living in a multimillion dollar mansion daring to try to relate to a kid from the inner city who won't make in a year on what they spend on their pets in a day.

True, some of them are morons (Miss Spears, I am talking to you), but many of them are smarter than you are.
I'd wager that's not true or else we would have Hollywood full of modern day Platos and Aristotles. Any quick glance at the actors in the movies right now says that's far far from true.
Or maybe Jimmy Kimmel and Queen Latifah secretly off the set contemplate the deeper meaning of existance. Or the members of Yellowcard get into deep discussions regarding the plight of ethnic refugees in Africa.
Their success doesn't= intelligence.
Now if you want to talk about the people BEHIND them like their agents, press people, and might have a point. But considering these people have entourages the size of small cities many of whom are in place to save this people from themselves speaks more to the fact many of these people aren't smarter than the average person in our society.

Don't dismiss them because their job title isn't "analyst", and don't call them fools simply because they disagree with you.
As has been said not calling them fools because they disagree with you(sounds kind of like what you did with Brit there considering you called her stupid but came to Cameron's defense), I'm calling them fools because they are an elitist group of spoiled people that have no real basis for their knowledge other than parroting what someone else smarter than they are said.
It's the exact same thing you see in political rallies the smart guy says something and gives "talking points". The stupid then recite the talking points to other stupid people until they run into somebody that can KIND of think for themselves and laughs at them. The problem is at a point these same stupid people get rich and famous and people for some odd reason put more stock into what they do and say over the average person. For took ONE stupid famous person to start wearing Von Dutch and John Deer hats for fashion. Now you can't walk into a mall and throw a Juicy sweatsuit and not hit some schmuck wearing one and these people never rode a John Deer nor do they have any idea WTF Von Dutch is. The same thing happens with politics and celebs. Stupid goober sitting at home sees the TV and sees their favorite celeb pushing them to vote(and in a none subtle manner of WHO to vote for) and they without knowing a damn thing about anything will do it.
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