First point:
Looks like an interesting movie, if a bit overly dramatic. The pyramid thing on dollars has a bajillion different supposed meanings. There really three things to remember when it comes to supposed secret society symbols:
1)Most of the time no one really knows the true meaning of a lot of the stuff, because for the most part it doesn't matter, its the secrecy that is the fun part
2)Almost ever symbol from the ancient times has been re-used and recycled by almost every group since then
3)All the groups like to embrace cool stuff (don't you) even if it had nothing to do with them
Read Foucalt's Pendulum by Umberto Eco to see what I mean, or for that matter the Illuminatus Trilogy (All hail Eris!)
Second Point:
Whether or not you think it matters since membership in it was pretty common at the time, almost all the Founding Fathers were Masons. In fact, so many were that by current and era standards (and the RICO act) the founding of the US should be considered a Masonic conspiracy.
In the words of Jello: "Punk ain't no religious cult,punk means thinking for yourself. You ain't hardcore cause you spike your hair, when a jock still lives inside your head."