Originally Posted by Flyguy
Why don't you all read between the lines a little bit? Mabye she's saying that she's afraid that the world will go total ape shit, bombs will fall, and we're back to no laws.
4 more years of Bush? Who knows at this point.
I concur, not that I believe Cameron Diaz sees the subtext of what she said. I think she made a point that was worth making, but in a real clumsy way. The credibility of a government is in many ways linked to the number of people who vote to place it in power. If you have a mandate from only 20 per cent of the population (or whatever) to act, how can you claim to be acting for a whole nation?
"It's your voice" sort of makes the point I think Diaz was driving at, she was just going way over the top. The thing about Drew Barrymore "educating" people kind of grated too. The day I need to be educated by that woman, I'll die a little inside.