You realize, that you're violating all sorts of Staple's employee agreements if you release any information that's not publicly available. Like published prices, you can do that. What Staple's actually pays, not good. While you're at it, if you even come accross as officially representing a company line, they can fire/sue you into a cave. You're not a company rep, off the clock for sure, and are likey prohibited from acting in any such capacity either way.
I just thought I'd put that out there. Some people talk about work on the internet, and lose their jobs. Granted, it's much more likely to get some in trouble than others, but hey, I just wanted to remind you. I guess, because if I ever decided to "leak" comany information, and it randomly somehow got noticed, I'd be out in two point one seconds.
And that price on RAM is a freaking rip, but that's what you'd get for shopping at Staple's for RAM....
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."