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Old 10-10-2004, 11:10 PM   #15 (permalink)
Originally Posted by daswig
buried in the report is the fact that they did indeed find 50+ WMDs, of 1980's vintage, in Iraq. How many WMDs did they need to find to find WMDs? Isn't 50 enough?
Let's see....that's 21 dead U.S. troops for each 20 year old weapon, and
$2.5 billion war far....per weapon. Bush was authorized by
congress to go to war to
(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq;
<a href=""></a>
I submit that the Dueffler weapons inpsection report and the 9/11 Comission
report make it clear that Bush had no justification to take the U.S. to war
against Iraq. By defending Bush and this pathetic outcome of no signifigatn
WMD discovery, 1069 dead U.S. troops, the devastation of Iraq and of
innocent Iraqis, the destabalization of Iraq and the middle east that insures
a huge expense in material and U.S. manpower for the forseeable future,
and the unintended but predictable strenghtening of Iran via the destruction
of the Iraqi military, you enbale and encourage Bush to pursue further
illegal international acts of aggression and his penchant for acting unaccountable and secretive to the American people and the other branches
of our government !
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