I'll make my point one more time then I'm done with this thread.
Street racing is completely unnecessary and it's dangerous. Getting in your car and driving to work is necessary because you work to make money to live, and in most cities in America that means you need a car. There are laws that go along with use of the roads, and those laws are to protect normal drivers from idiot street racers, among other things.
I drive a 305HP car every day. Have I ever sped? Yep. But guess what, that doesn't make me wrong about street racing.
CL, you have a bizarre concept of hypocrisy. You feel sympathy to the point of outrage for all these people who have died, yet you have no qualms about putting innocents in harms way yourself. If even a handful of people are needlessly killed, isn't that enough reason to cut it out? And don't bring up the thousand other ways people die every day, this thread is not about that. You're using slippery slope arguments.
My point was this, and as much as you don't want to believe it, it's true and I've documented it: if you feel the need to drag race and THEY crash and kill someone, YOU could go to jail. So no matter how good a driver you are or how safe the circumstances seem, you are potentially facing prison time every time you decide to "bust a 350Zs ass".
Take it to the track and prove it like a man, don't put other people's lives (and your future) in jeopardy.