The dead dont need sympathy, they're dead and im sure they dont care.
any time you're exceeding the speed limit on public roads, you're increasing the risk to yourself and those others who may be on the roads.
as has been stated, there are enough things that can go wrong at the track, why introduce more variables?
yep, the deaths, etc as a result of street racing pale in comparison to daily traffic accidents. does that mean its safer than driving on the highway with the flow of traffic? no.
are you sympathetic to those who overdose on heroin, etc and die?
they knew the risks going in, and its sad that their lives were wasted, but im not going to dwell on it very long.
this analogy isnt entirely fitting of the situation, but if a car theif is shot down as he's trying to take someone's car, should he be sympathized with?
my opinion is no.
since college economics, I always try to measure the potential cost versus the potential gains of any descision. unless you're street racing for large sums of money and are confident in your car's capability of winning, then why bother?
by the way, you post on, dont you Jason?
Last edited by waltert; 10-10-2004 at 02:06 PM..