I'm sorry but I must be overly sensitive to the allergens. I get my honey from a local individual who collects the honey himself. Most of the honey comes from either clover (which I am allergic to) or daisies. I'm also allergic to goldenrod and ragweed of course, popple trees, pine and evergreen trees, and lilac. I'm not sure what other pollen that I'm allergic to in the plant family. Daisies are such an allergen to me that just handling the flowers with my hands causes my eyes to almost swell such and tears to stream down my face. I don't think I could handle the allergic reaction long enough to get immune to the pollens in my area even if the honey would help me that way.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.