Originally Posted by Ramega
The "personal risk" argument doesn't wash, because when you street race you don't just take a personal risk, you increase the risk to innocent drivers on the street, not to mention pedestrians, pets, etc. This is an egocentric and self-centered thing to do, just like drunk driving. I don't care if you agree with my opinion to keep it on the track or not, but the rest of my post was fact. If you race and the other person dies, the law says it's your fault.
I fully agree, but these people have no vision, no forethought.
Originally Posted by CunningLinguist
My simple point was that all things considered, the number of people killed or hurt street racing is dwarfed by many other actions including things that are perfectly legal. I don't agree with the assumption that street racing is a deadly activity. Don't you think if it were so dangerous then people wouldn't do it and if they did, they'd just die anyway? I've seen countless links and heard numerous stories about street racing and deaths and most turn out to be hyped up BS. Don't blow things out of proportion to elucidate a point.
Dwarfed by many other actions including things that are perfectly legal=poor rational, its illegal, therefore there should be NO DEATHS from it.
IMO-your whole rationale is said with blinders on. These young punks are killing themselves and endangering others for their own ENTERTAINMENT. They need to GROW THE FUCK UP and take it to the track. Start a new sport, get T-shirts, coffee cups, sponsers, and off the street.
We have street racer wannabees in Alaska also, they have oficially worn out their welcome here. The Anchorage PD has issued several warnings on TV and gives no breaks. Having a street racer as your primary car in Alaska is like having a mudbogger in LA.