Originally Posted by Ramega
The "personal risk" argument doesn't wash, because when you street race you don't just take a personal risk, you increase the risk to innocent drivers on the street, not to mention pedestrians, pets, etc. This is an egocentric and self-centered thing to do, just like drunk driving. I don't care if you agree with my opinion to keep it on the track or not, but the rest of my post was fact. If you race and the other person dies, the law says it's your fault.
I obviously touched a nerve, but let's try to keep it civil, k?
My simple point was that all things considered, the number of people killed or hurt street racing is dwarfed by many other actions including things that are perfectly legal. I don't agree with the assumption that street racing is a deadly activity. Don't you think if it were so dangerous then people wouldn't do it and if they did, they'd just die anyway? I've seen countless links and heard numerous stories about street racing and deaths and most turn out to be hyped up BS. Don't blow things out of proportion to elucidate a point.
It's certainly your opinion, and it's not an invalid one at all. But I'm pretty certain that the next street race I have will be far less risky than any multitude of legal actions I'll take throughout the remainder of my day. These kids lost control of their car. They didn't die as a result of street racing, they died as a result of either not having the personal or mechanical abilities to do what they were trying or to handle the situation they put themselves in. It's entirely possible that they would have had similar consequences if the other car wasn't around. The other car didn't exactly careen into their's now did it?
Every time I get on the highway, I'm increasing the risk of those around me, no? Again, I'm not condoning the action at all, but I'll do nothing more than laugh at the paranoia incited by the term 'street racing'. Honestly, considering that these kids hurt only themselves it invalidates your entire argument, doesn't it?
Oh, and btw... The law does not state anywhere that if you're racing and the other person dies it's your fault. Stop misconstruing the facts. They charged him with two counts of vehicular manslaughter which will only stick if his attorney was more concerned with partying than studying law. He was not charged with "Murder by street racing" unless I'm mistaken. Are you guys both going to tell me that you've never exceeded the speed limit, possibly even to an extreme degree? You calculated the risks, you gambled, you won.
And as far as I'm concerned, anyone that makes a statement like - "I have NO sympathy for those killed/hurt in street racing." can seriously kiss my ass. That's about the most calloused thing I've ever heard. Whether their decisions were legal, safe, educated, etc... These kids died, which was NOT what they were intending to do.