Originally Posted by CunningLinguist
Oh, and to DEI37 - F*ck off. You have no sympathy for someone that died? What about this Dale moron that you seem to sympathize with? He knew the risks, should we all turn our back on that tragedy? Do you sympathize with someone who enlistst in the armed forces, and then gets killed in battle? You don't think that they were risking the odds to a much greater degree? You should have sympathy for anyone that dies of unnatural causes, and I hope that karma doesn't catch up with you one day.
WHOA, big fella. You MIGHT want to go back to bed, and get up on the proper side of it. I didn't say I had no sympathy for someone who died. I said I had no sympathy for those that are killed while street racing. I also never said nor implied that I sympathize with Dale. He's dead, that's impossible. I feel the loss personally, and feel for the family as well. He was killed doing something perfectly legal with those around him in the same boat...WILLINGLY. Not street racing, not being stupid, not taking unreasonable chances. There is a massive difference between the two, and if I actually have to explain it, then you've got serious issues.
I do feel sorry for the families that have their children killed on the battlefield at war. And for those that have their kids killed in a track on a racetrack...or off of it, for that matter. It's the kids themselves. In my opinion, if you actually feel sorry for the kids that are hurt, killed, or hurt or kill someone else, you may as well condone street racing.
Now, I suggest you re-read what I said, and then rethink what you think I said, and you'll see that you were WAY off base.