Just to have some fun with Peetster, and cause there are two sides to every coin:
Conservative viewpoint: Stamp on peoples civil rights. Support initiatives that take your taxpayers money and give it to various religious groups. Take taxpayer money and give to corporations in the form of taxbreaks, while not receiving guarentees they will stick around. Always support corporate interests over the interests of the environment. Women should not choose, our God has chosen for them. Medicare and Social Security and other social programs are not worth strengthing. Instead, we'll let you buy jetskis through tax cuts.
Liberal viewpoint: Protect civil rights. Religion has no place in government, our founders knew this two hundred plus years ago. Women are powerful and smart. Infrastructure and education will help America, not the CEO of a firm. The less fortunate are capable and ready, and will be helped but not kept on the public till. Education is a right. Medicare and Social Security are important to our elderly.
And Peetster, I hate more than anything conservatives that claim they are on the side of the little guy like a policeman or teacher. Why is it that both the policeman and teacher's union historically support and vote Democrats? Cause thats who looks out for the little guy and their families, while conservatives cut deals with corporations and stay rich.
Hey, Assman, I don't have the answer for you. Neither does anyone else in this thread. But I'd recommend that you find one or two issues that you feel strongly about, and align yourself with the party that most closely resembles your position on that issue(s).