In key here. What kinds of plants are astralgus related to?? I cannot take Echinacea because it's related to the daisy family and I'm quite allergic to that.
I'm also curious about the honey. I find that when I eat honey, depending on the primary flower it's been made from I have often have a sinus allergy reaction. It can even give me hiccups too. I have a lot of allergies and sensitivities and I don't go through one month of the year without a reaction to something. Wintertime is easier on me but even indoors I can run into stuff such as pine and evergreen trees or Euclyptus. I love the taste of honey but it rarely HELPS my allergies.
I am currently fighting a sinus infection. Have been for over 2 weeks now. Saline sprays are one of the only "natural" remedies that help much at all. I got a new allergy medication, Flonase, that has worked wonders for helping and the antibiotics were started just in time because that same day I had begun to develope ear pain and a potential ear infection on the same side as the sinus infection. All because of allergies - they suck.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.