I would reccomend this for someone with either the first simptoms who does not want to get a full fledged cold, for someone who wants to recover from a cold, or someone that just wants to aviod getting sick alltogether by boosting their immune system. Along with the anti-viral properties here are a few other things that Astragalus can help with:
1: It strengthens immunity to disease. It has certain inhibiting effects on molecular pathological changes caused by viruses, increases growth of plasma cells, stimulates synthesis of antibodies, and builds up body defense.
2: It deters aging process and facilitates longevity. It delays the natural aging process of diploid blastocyte, prolonging by one third the life span of the cells.
3: It enhances body energy. It promotes metabolism of serum and liver proteins, stimulates growth of antibodies, increases white blood cells, and thus increases resistance to viruses. It also induces production of interferon.
4: It is diuretic, detoxicating and reduces proteinuria and can help cure kidney disease.
5: It inhibits gastric secretions, reduces gastric acid, and thus may helps cure stomach ulcers.
6: It is cardiotonic. It has even more remarkable effects on heart failure due to poisoning or exhaustion.
7: It protects the liver and alleviates liver injury caused by stilbenemidine.
8: It relieves impotence and frigidity.
If you want any more information or want to know where I have gotten my information PM me or post here.
I'm kind of jealous of the life I'm supposedly leading.
- Zach Braff