I've been playing this a bit, it's very awesome.
As a fan of other fighters like Soul Calibur II and Virtua Fighter 4, I can honstestly say that this game is kick ass.
It has it's unique style with a few twists (combo breakers, etc..), but it really feels like older mortal kombat games in some strange way. It's hard to explain, but you'll see what I mean once you play it. Graphics are a bit better than Deadly Alliances.
Konquest mode is kinda stupid. They had it perfect in Deadly Alliance but instead made it more of an RPG type thing. I mean.. it's okay if you're a beginner, but if you know what you're doing, it kinda sucks to have to play through it. As mentioned above, you don't HAVE to play through it, but if you do, you unlock extra levels and characters.. and there's a pretty big surprise at the end which is worth it.
The fighting genre has been pretty bland over the past few years. I'd have to say that this, Soul Calibur II, and VF4 are definitely the top 3. For what it is (a fighter), it's a damn good game. 9/10 easily. I'd give it a 10/10, but those ratings are usually reserved for games that have me hooked non-stop (such as Metroid Prime, or Ocarina of Time)
The online play, Chess/Puzzle Kombat are sweet addtions. Puzzle Kombat is addictive and very fun to play against someone else. Same with Chess Kombat. I just wish they had the team tournament that one of the past MK's had (I can't remember which one it was).
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 10-09-2004 at 12:19 PM..