I have a bunch of bags but I usually avoid the classic "purse" style because it's just not my thing. I'm sure I wouldn'y use one if I didn't need somewhere to put all my stuff; address book, checkbook, cellphone, all those damn receipts and scraps of paper I accumulate....
I have started wearing makeup fairly regularly but only a bit of lipstick and mascara. Oh, and sunscreen is essential for me. The thing is, I have a bunch of girly stuff, although most of it falls under more the post-punk vintage dress category than strictly girly girly. But I almost never break it out anymore, and usually just wear a t-shirt and black pants. I have a bunch of makeup and various skin unguents that I never even open, much less use. I just never really got in the habit of using this stuff, and I'm a tomboy at heart. The terrible truth is I secretly feel like I'm not a real "girl" since I don't use a blow dryer and don't have the first clue as to what I would do with hair products. Hell, I don't even own a comb or brush. Don't tell anyone.