lol i agree with you totally..what i meant by the trying so hard comment is thats what the girls around me are saying not about having a family or how hard you have to work to be a mother and wife...i'm perfectly aware that that may be the hardest job around. I have a 4 year old sister whos hyper active and fussy...and my mom works...i see her struggling to do both and i admire that to no end. the phrase is more in line of my friends working hard to look stunning everyday to get a man with an inch of makeup, 4 inch heels, daily trips to the gym, implants ect and then planning to stop all that when tehy get married like once theyve tied down the guy their job is done. making it pretty clear that the only reason tehy were going to any lenth of work is just to "hook" a guy... my scorn isnt aimed at people who fall in love and want to have kids because thats what they want...its aimed at people who use appearence as a way to "hook" a guy...without really caring if its love and not really caring or thinking about how marrige really means forever and that its a serious thing and having those kids then when the kids are like 10 finally realizing that it isnt what they really want. but i'm in no way saying that being a mother isnt work i know it is and i truly admire those who have the energy to keep up with kids and a husband.