oh and as for teh school issues..i know how you feel..for one year of HS i went to an alternative highschool that was known for being accepting and unique and basically letting its students be who they wanted to be...somehow i ended up being teh only girl and all teh boys were there because tehy had been kicked out of regular schools or aressted...me being "super bitch" with a "piss me off and i'll kick your ass" attitude i got along fine with the other students and teachers..it was teh couple who ran the school where my issues lay...i would be having fun playing dodgeball, rugby or soccer with my friends and they would always come out and take the boys aside and tell them to be gentle with me and let me win because i was a girl and they might hurt me...eventually they started calling me inside whenever a game was being played so that i couldnt join in and so i was kicked off all the teams. really sucked..
still proud of my mom tho..lol she bitched them out with the mouth of a sailor
Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Play with each other. Play with yourselves. Just don't play with the squirrels, they bite.