The last time I got make up was when it was a free gift with my moisturizing cream (I love free giflts like that hehe). I very rarely wear make up. But I will not refuse free make up, especially not from Este Lauder.
I only have one handbag and I keep everything in there. Not the smartest thing to do, granted, but hey.. It keeps me from losing stuff (hopefully I wont lose my purse!).
Jewelry I have up the gazoo, but that's only because my yaya's (grandma) brother has his own jewelry shop---not to mention my mother gives me jewelry constantly. I dont get all crazy and match everything too much (yeah, i do gold with gold, etc.. but I dont do same brand w/ same brand, same exact style.. etc) ..I'm not that girly. I'm very laid back .
I want another handbag because the one I have is a cheap-o from walmart and its falling apart now. If it wasn't falling apart, I wouldn't go out and spend my money on another. Its not worth it to me.
"The human mind is like a parachute, it works best when open."