Against marriage?
This is just a poll on people's opinions on marriage. I am interested in generating some discussion on this, because, well, I find it interesting.
Is marriage simply a cultural residue remaining from a society the hedged the power of men? Given the fact that people change, can any marriage last forever (and still be a pleasant experience)? Does marriage need to be a pleasant experience? Is it monogamous? Is it forever? Is it a tool of the state to cement and passify the public?
Much of this thought occurred after I read <a href=" jnl-crit-inq/issues/v24/v24n2.kipnis.html" target="_blank">Laura Kipnis' "Adultery."</a> It's an interesting piece, even if I loathed it at the time. Now, well, I dunno. I think in some ways, she may be correct.
(I think this ought to go here, but maybe philosophy is the place for it. Ah well).
Never anything witty.