some people asked for an update so they could help me further with this situation. We went out to coffee, not as wierd as i thought it would be, mainly b/c i talk non stop but whatever. Seeing her i realize i have gotten over a lot of the stuff but i am still very sexualy attracted to her. Things are going really no where we shoot the shit and chat, i mean the only real news is things arnt going any direction. i feel like i need to break some kind of news to her, like "hey bitch you really fucked me over last year" but i dont see myself doing that. the only thing she said to me was a big speech about wanting unabtainable guys, like ones with gfs stuff like that. Anyway any new insites on this or any new course's of action. Thanks, this board is super helpful and makes my life a lor easier
No, they arnt breasts, they are personalities, because its ok to like a girl for her personalities.