An update on what to expect
So here's my update. So that girlfriend of mine, i really want to have sex with her now, i've decided that much. Thing is we are long distance right now, it's causing problems. She's wanted me for a long time and she's dealt with me being nervous and unprepared, now that I am I can't act on it, becasue we are not together. When the subject comes up when we talk, she gets really excited about it and seems to forget that I'm still a virgin. She starts mentioning things that we can do, and I'm just trying to go along with her cause I can't quite make those decisions right now. She sort of freaked me out when she mentioned that she'd be open to a threesome, I always thought that was a relationship killer if there ever was one, turns out she just meant that she would be willing to consider it if I wanted. None the less it threw me through a loop, reason being that it just seems she is way ahead of me right now on this issue and I feared that I wasn't going to catch up. She is right I have a pencahnt for blowing things out of proportion, I need to just get it done with already, and I would but we arn't together and won't be for over a month. She is getting scared that I am pushing her away when I start to get concerned that shes jumping the gun on the subject and needs to wait till we actualy have sex first. Right now she's thinking about things, which can't be good, I don't want to lose her. Anyway there's not much of a question in this, I just needed ot vent some fear and anguish.
Last edited by MEAD; 10-04-2004 at 11:02 AM..