I dunno Doc, I think the only viable Trinidad fight now in everyones eyes, except maybe you and I, is Trinidad/Hopkins 2, and I really don't want to see that again. The first fight was almost sad, it looked like this one, except Hopkins dominated.
I was surprised, Trinidad paid very close attention to Spinks, moving to the side, keeping Mayorga's sweeping left hand off balance. He just punished him. Trinidad is an amazing, accurate puncher. Trinidad looked amazing against a guy with no defense, and the inability to punch straight ahead. He's going to need tuneups against guys with real ability. Beating Mayorga doesn't take great technical skill, it takes a slight bit of movemet, and the guts to stay inside with him, Trinidad did just that.
I must say this though, and I don't mean to take it off topic, Hopkins said 4 or 5 fights, I say 4. Trinidad, Taylor, Winky Wright, and Tarver. Maybe Felix Sturm for a tune up. Depends if he's after money, or fighting the best.
Last edited by Kurant; 10-03-2004 at 06:41 AM..