I can orgasm from intercourse alone but only if Im on top, when Dave's on top I need help in the way of clitoral stimulation. Since all women are built differently the position is going to be different...for example some women can get off by doing it doggie style...this position hurts me a lot so getting off is the last thing on my mind, but me on top either facing him or in reverse works EVERY SINGLE TIME...so ya'll need to experiment with the positions to find the one that works for you. You dont need to be a porn star and enjoy it no matter how you do it.
trust me you will KNOW when you have an orgasm...you'll feel it building and you'll feel it hit.
guys are gonna last depending on a lot of variables....how long its been since he last came...how relaxed he is...etc since you were both virgins its going to take him a while to hit his stride and to figure out how to hold back.
If masturbating seems silly to you right now...go buy a little silver bullet..I dont recommend a full fledged vibrator and use it in various places to see the different effects...then alternate using your fingers in the same places to see how that feeling compares. I dont do it a lot anymore, but when I do sometimes I do it in the bathtub when I've got some candles lit and have been reading a trashy romance novel.
Just remember...sexual discovery of yourself and your partner should be a FUN thing, you are with the man you love and nothing you do is going to be wrong as long as you enjoy it.....just remember to take your time and COMMUNICATE with each other...learn to be able to tell him...."honey, what you're doing isnt exactly working...try doing it this way....or maybe it would feel better if you did it like this..."
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!