Truly embarrised so please bare with me
I am 22 and live in CT and recently married a wonderful man . Were both Christians and proud to say we both waited til marriage . I lost my mom when I was 10 to BC and was raised by my father and he was very strict. I couldn't even look at the word sex if you know what I mean
Now since I am sexually active I have a question about orgasms well a few questions and I am hoping someone can help me
Does a woman have a orgasm from intercourse
What position brings a woman to orgasm
How do you know if you have a orgasm
How long should your partner last ( TMI ) my husband maybe lasts about 3 minutes of penetration
I read that masturbation helps a woman learn her own body which makes having orgasms easier . I know masturbation is a debate but do a lot of woman masturbate even if there married.
I have thought recently about masturbating (again TMI ) but I just can't start . I feel foolish and start laughing . Do woman say " Hey I am going to masturbate now " or does it just happen . I can't see myself saying to myself " Laura go masturbate " . Do woman set up a romantic scene when they masturbate
maybe this is all dumb but I need to talk to someone. I tried our pastor's wife and a nurse at my OB GYN but when it came time to talk I didn't say a word a my face blushed
Thanks for all your help