The US forces have been accused of being trigger-happy for years now, stemming back from the first Gulf War.
There are reports that many of the troops, especially pilots, are being given amphetamines in an effort to keep them working longer while maintaining alertness levels. The problem with this is that it seriously impairs judgement.
British troops serving with the Americans have complained for a while that the biggest threat to their safety is the US troops. It is not a secret that the US were responsible for the majority of UK deaths in the first Gulf War. There is a story of a British helicopter pilot in the current conflict who was fired upon by the US as he tried to land his helicopter at a coalition base. After he finally managed to land under fire he ran over to the US soldiers firing at him and screamed something along the lines of, "What the fuck are you doing? When was the last time you saw a fucking Iraqi helicopter?" Never mind an Iraqi helicopter that was insisting on landing at a coalition base while being fired upon.