I am watching LOST because it is a creation from the same man that did
ALIAS* and it was good for the first 2 years. I like LOST so far and I know it
has to have a few mistakes in the story but wonder if you have found the
same ones that I have?* J.J Abraims??
1. Plane has violent actions in flight and the whole rear section of tail rips
off and plane crashes on island beach area? (Seems to me any such
disaster to an aircraft would make the crash so complete that there
would not be any survivors.) I can see a plane landing on the beach
with wheels up and having the wings torn off and having a number of
the passengers surviving.
2. Seems like the people would gather all manner of wood, tree limbs, and
anything that would burn and build a big bonfire/signal fire if they could
not get any radio or tranceiver to work.
3. WHY are they said to be 1000 miles off course? Were the pilots drunk or
were they blown off their route by a hurricane? (I know they need to be
out of any search planes to have more time on the island and produce 13
weeks of story.)