My opinion only......
You are a young male. You are not "Emotional" as you would put less emphasis on physical attraction if you were. You are instead, failing to control your physical needs, and ignoring the psycological. You are "Attached" to the body of these women, not the mind, and will inevitably pursue that which you have become attached to.
If you honestly want advice, rather than support, here you go:
Enjoy the youthful mindset while you can, but do not become a "User" of women.
Do not "Look" for the right woman, as she will eventually find you. When you are ready, be prepared for the most difficult aspect of life.....dealing with a woman as a partner, and lover. Done well it is a beautiful thing, the other 90% of the time, it is a livivg hell.
"Lick Dick and Bush in 2004"
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha