Yeah, everything is cool with Collins definitely. But I prefer Gannon as number 1. Especially with all the effort he has put into the off season to prove everyone wrong. He has proved he can be a deep threat just as well as Collins, he has proved he can scramble and avoid the sack and he has proved that he wants nothing but to help the Raiders win. I am very thankful that we have Collins in at 2 for the very fact that something unfortunate like this could of happen and did happen, but Gannon doesn’t have more than another year and I really wanted him to get that fucking ring. As far as the running game, Wheatly and Zeroue did damn well thanks to the likes of Gallery. If Wheat can continue to play like he did last night, he will be a threat. As long as our OL holds up and gives Collins time in the pocket as they did last night and our defense plays the way they did, we are going to make if far.