Originally posted by Stilts
I think that the best bet is just to not talk to him anymore, for both of you. If I was your friend, I wouldn't be anymore with an attitude like that. Everyone of my friends and family has an open door policy, people always stop by each others houses all the time. None of us are intersted in being friends with people that are not open like this. If someones got somewhere to go, or something to do when you get there, then they tell you, and you hook up later. If someone drops in at mealtime, you bust out an extra plate. Usually people call, just to make sure that someones there, so you're not driving all the way over to their house just to find out that they're gone. A lot of my family and friends have keys to each others houses, so it's not totally unheard of to come home and find someone else watching tv, waiting for you to get home.
I read it twice and I don't believe it. I'm a private guy so what you said there is the direct opposite of my view on this topic. Open door in my house is when I'm moving furniture.
People who always drop in unannounced I have no mercy for. If it's some people you can just come right out and say they're being ballbreakers. Other people pick up subtle hints and learn from the past so this is my rule:
Just because you don't mind me dropping by anytime unexpected, don't assume it's the same policy when the tables are turned. Call first.