How do you suceed tactically? You start by suceeding strategically. Close off the borders and prevent foreign fighters from entering Iraq to join the insurgency. As it stands now, Iraq is pretty much a live-fire excercise for terrorists who want to train against Americans. Attacking the insurgents won't do anything until you stem off the supply of fresh opponents.
Next, have the Iraqi's do the actual sweeps. It's their country, let them handle it. Americans can provide tactical support and direction, but we should not be the ones calling the shots here. This effort should be under Iraqi control, with Americans placing bombs as requested but not acting on their own. If you're in someone's house and they have a bug crawling across the carpet, you don't squish it and stain the rug. You ask them what they want to do with it, and let them do their own thing.
We're in a war without a goal, and it's killing us. America needs to establish its priorities, accomplish those goals, and move on.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be having an orgasm.