1.) The question we all want the answer to is who is right for me ?
2.) How can I tell it they are right for me ?
3.) How can I tell if I'm right for them ?
4.) How can we transcend the ENTIRE - one of us is attracted to the other, but never, rarely, or seeminlgy seldom does a situation develop wherein both individuals are drawn to each other from a place of wholeness ( vs. a place of lack, whether that lack is emotionally, mentally, financially, career / service wise, etc. )
5.) Is there a good reason that SO MANY people have this screwed up ?
6.) Does the fact that $ / fame, looks does not answer these questions ( see rich, celebrity makeups, divorces, breakups.)
7.) How can I find peace & happiness, rather than lack & insane attractions ?
8.) Hello God -- I think I'm talking to you !