really excellent ideas, i enjoyed the read, but i'm not sure how the obviously unique and admirable construction of the United States through the sweat and blood of the common man really relates to the obviously big-business based economic and political approaches that are being enacted in this country now. a vote for bush is a vote AGAINST the ideals that this country was founded on. the bush "regime" has strengthened the religious intolerance and fundamentalism many people fled to america to escape. yes, this is a great country, but bush's ideals and actions have not been directed in the same way; he talks out of one side of his mouth and issues orders from the other that are contradictory to the beliefs and freedoms this country was based on. i really enjoyed the post, and i hope this won't be taken as an attempt to flame or discredit anyone's personal beliefs, but i don't think bush has done anything to build on, or even support the basic fundamental freedoms america is founded on.