Long distance relationship over?
I'm currently in a long distance relationship with a wonderfull girl that lives about 2000 miles from me right now. We used to live in the same town, but I moved away to help take care of my dad when he got sick. I'm planning on moving back in the next 6 months or so, but lately things just haven't been going well.
About two weeks ago she went on a short vacation, things were getting kind of stressfull at work, so she went off for a week. She ended up getting caught in the hurricane down south, and couldn't get ahold of me for a week. When she got back, she called me on the phone and let me know what was going on, but I was leaving for work and had to run, so we made plans to catch up the next morning. That was a week ago, and I still haven't heard from her. I talk to her brother and her dad almost everyday, and they've told me she has been really sick, but I haven't heard anything from her. Not a phonecall, email, instant message, nothing.
Am I being too clingy that I would like to hear from her occasionally? In 2 weeks I have talked to her for maybe 10 minutes. To put it into perspective, on average the month before that we probably spent about 30 hours on the phone. Just looking for some advice, as I'm kinda depressed and frustrated right now.