Humans have children because they like to have sex.
Humans have children because of a biological urge to do so.
Humans have children because they feel lonely and think that a child will help fill the emptiness.
Humans have children because they think that it will keep a relationship together.
Humans have children because they want to feel a sense of accomplishment.
I could go on, but you get the point.
The question "why SHOULD we have children" is a little more complex. It's true the world is a big, ole scary place and all; but that should not prevent people from trying to fix it. We as adults aren't going to fix it ... the only way we can do that is by educating our children.
To those people who "hate" children. I would have to say that it's a good thing you aren't having children then. It's as simple as that. <b>I respect that.</b>
The question I have now is "Why do you hate children?" Is it because they are messy, loud, obnoxious? Is it because they will require you to sacrifice some of your game time?
I'm only asking out of curiosity. Not trying to change anyone's mind.
I had always been fairly indifferent to children. When I would walk past a playground full of screaming kids the first thing I would think was, "I feel sorry for the people who live next door to this playground."
Now that I have a child, my perspective has shifted. I realize that kids aren't so bad after all. I didn't have to give up any part of myself at all. Except the part that was indifferent. No challenge there really. In fact, my daughter has inspired more creativity in me than anything else.
Of course, that's just <i>my</i> story. If any moral can be read into it, it's just simply that you should always question your own beliefs and be open to a shift in your perspective.