Originally Posted by jconnolly
Guess I can't argue against that.
How did you feel about the no-fly zones over the north and south of Iraq? Did you protest the civilian deaths as a result of that too?
Are you completely opposed to American involvement in the world stage?
Of course not. I just have a problem with the "destroy a village to save it" mentality. the sanctions seemed to do little other than torture the Iraqi people and our invasion has also had dubious benefits. As I said before, I hope for the best regardless of politics, but it seems like our country is playing into the same mistakes that have shaped western policy towards the Middle East for the last century...namely the misconception that they would rather be ruled by a "civilized" western force rather than a tyrant of their own. When you invade a country, you can't expect too much good will.
Edit: and let's not forget the shifting justifications for this war. the plight of the Iraqi people only came after all the other reasons evaporated.