Women are becoming the bane of my existance (update #1)
Well i could draw out this whole story and make it like a 10 minute read, but i will keep it short in hopes that more people will give me an oppion. This girl and i were really really good friends and ended up hooking up last year for about 2 months. It was decided that we wouldnt be seeing eachother for now, meaning no label. All the sudden one day she told me she wanted to be back with her ex, and we couldnt be togeather like that (She never ended up getting back with her ex, she just sort of slept with him a few times). Needless to say, this wasnt the only way that she changed towards me. A girl who had been one of my close friends was now anything but. So things got worse and worse, we began to get in arguments and it just became ackward to the point we couldnt be around on another. So i cut it off because it was just not doing anything for me in terms of happiness. About 6 months passed without any desire for me to talk to her, yeah i thought about her but i really didnt care about "fixxing" things. So my birthday was about a week ago and she said happy birthday to me and said she wanted to mend things between us. I also want to throw in there, if i dont try to talk to her she dosnt talk to me, after telling me she wants to fix things. So my question to all is one, why does she want to mend things when things got so bad between us, and secondly is it realy worth my time to bother with it.... i am just looking for some oppions dont worry about not having the "right" answer. Let me know if anyone need clarification on anything.
My new comments are at the bottom of the thread.... thanks as always
No, they arnt breasts, they are personalities, because its ok to like a girl for her personalities.
Last edited by the420star; 10-07-2004 at 08:04 PM..
Reason: Update