Originally Posted by pan6467
I think I explained it, I have no respect for anyone that claims they are unbiased and just stating facts when they are biased and do nothing but sell hate. I think, I also said I was not above it myself.
I don't respect John Kerry, but I'm not about to start a thread titled "Why hate Libertarians?" and then call Kerry a mindless twit inthe middle of the first post. Politics is, unfortunately, very emotionally-driven and if you want to "stop the hate" you need to take the first step. Resorting to name-calling in your very first post on a "why hate?" thread shows to me that the rest of the post is insincere, and that you don't want to actually remove hate from politics, just deflect it from your candidate. Once you are willing or able to put aside your hatred long enough to construct a post without exhibiting it, I'll take your "stop the hate" thread seriously.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Why do you have to personally attack me, I have never done anything to you. You want to comment and debate that's fine but you just have to keep trying to attack me. Although there for a while you had stopped .... hmmmm.
I'm not making personal attacks against you or your character, I am challenging your post, the way in which you started this thread, and your motivations for this thread. I don't know you personally, and don't dislike or like you. To me you're just someone that I disagree with on a message-board.