Originally Posted by Zeld2.0
You know, you remind me of another poster who came here right when you left, wonderwench. Any relations?
Both of you have nothing more to do than to destroy liberals.
Thats fine, be my guest, but if thats all you are here on the board for, good luck. You're really only destroying your own country and community.
Oh and why go on the politics board for debate if you aren't going to debate? Just why? But I suppose saying what you said clears it all up for the doubters.
Apparently for you, war has been declared, and America isn't big enough for those you don't like.
Save your breath, that's why he's on my ignore, he refuses to bring facts and spews only hate.
Both parties (moreso the GOP because I can almost guarantee people know the names of more right winged hate mongers than they do lefties) don't want peace. They only want to destroy each other. Unfortunately neither realizes they are only turning us into an international laughingstock that is very very scary because we have nukes and seem to want to fight not just ourselves but anoyone who disagrees with us.
I reiterate what Kruschev said back in the day...... "We will not destroy you, we will not even have to touch you. you will destroy yourselves from within..."
How prophetic he was.