If I don't want kids, I'm not looking for any "glory" in it. I'm not looking to feel anything for kids. I, as a point of fact, hate children. I take every opportunity to make my opinion known, as I feel that there are many who feel as I do, but are pressured and persecuted by others for their anti-children feelings.
So many have this bullshit pomposity and arrogance to tell me i "just don't know". Of-fucking-course I don't know... I don't WANT to know, my opinion is that "knowing" is EXACTLY what I do not want. Morons.
Usually I tell people it's none of their damn business when they ask why I don't want children. I'm a nice person, but there are many things which will easily incur a short temper from me. It's amazing how people will belittle you for not wanting children, but get offended when you go off on them about how they're not special just because they've reproduced. That- more than anything else- is a testament to the snobby attitude they have towards being a parent. Like they're in an elite club.
I'm not sorry that i've chosen to have sex for fun for the rest of my life, whenever the urge strikes me or my girl. I'm not sorry I want to keep the money I earn at my job, and spend it on the woman I love. I'm not sorry I hate children, I'm not sorry for telling you I hate children, and I'm not sorry that your self-absorption makes you easily offended about your little bastards.
PM me if you have issue.
- analog.