You are all right, and I want to thank you for helping me out. I did sit down and have a talk with her about this, and lo and behold she tweaked out again, to the point that the neighbors called the cops. That was it for me. We're seperated for good now, and I will not go back. I must say its so nice to go home after being out late.. or just go home in general, and not stress about getting my head taken off about some stupid little thing. I don't walk on egg-shells anymore, and it has made me so much more relaxed. It does get to me sometimes, being alone in the bed that we used to sleep in together, but I know that there are "more fish in the sea". My friend asked me whether or not it was her that I missed, or the cuddling and kissing that I missed, and I honestly think that I miss the attention, not her. She made my life so stressful, and now that I realize that its not something I should have to put up with, I will move on. I just hope that we can stay friends. Thanks again guys... I think its great that I can come here and get a totally un-biased opinion on the subject.