Girlfriend is too attached to parents. Advice?
(conversations are edited for the sake of time. Only the highlights are included.)
Here are some examples:
Me: "So, how about dinner tonight?"
Her: "Okay. Is 7 good?"
Me: "Sure thing. I'll pick you up at 6:45."
At 6, I get a call from her.
Me: "Hey. We still on for dinner?"
Her: "No. My dad said he's bringing food home. He doesn't want me to go out."
Example 2:
Me: "How about a movie tonight?"
Her: "Let me ask my parents. (hold) Okay. They said I could."
Me: "Okay. Pick you up at 9."
I get a call around 8.
Her: "I haven't seen my mom all day. I'm going to see her tonight. We'll go to a movie some other time."
Bleh. Everytime I try to talk to her about it she gets very defensive. It's a brick wall. I asked her where she sees herself in two years (we're both 18). She said she sees herself in NYC with me, going to college. I ask her if she'd fly home every weekend to see her parents if they asked her to. She got defensive and said something about loving her parents and something about how my mother and I don't have a good relationship.
Bleh X2.
She says, "I'm only 18" as though it should be a reason for her to be so attached to her parents. I don't understand at all. In her mind, no matter what her parents' request, it's never too unreasonable for her to obey.
I need advice like a mofo.
it's all nice on ice alright
and it's not day
and it's not night
but it's all nice on ice alright