Originally Posted by MageB420666
Well, technically, hospitals are fucking with natural selection everytime they save someones life or cure them of a disease. Everytime someone saves someones life they are fucking with natural selection. So I guess that many people would say that not fucking with natural selection is wrong.
If the human species is a product of natural selection, then any actions we take are not "fucking with natural selection" rather they are a reflection of that process.
As for the purpose of human life, I consider it to just have the purpose of continuing human life, it has nothing to do with refining the gene pool, at least it doesn't now that we have stepped in and started messing with natural selection. We as a race have effectively stopped the evolution(genetically) of our species.
As long as:
1. some people are reproducing more than others; and
2. A component of the traits responsible for differences in reproduction is heritable.
Then, evolution by natural selection is still occurring in our species. Also, natural selection is a blind process. It has no goal or purpose. It certainly is not a "positive force for improvement of the species".
Back on topic:
I have a daughter. I never thought I could have the patience that I have for my daughter. I never thought that I could function on so little sleep as I have for my daughter. I've never before experienced the kind of love I have for my daughter. Our daughter was planned, but I didn't calculate the costs and benefits before I decided I wanted to have a child. If you way the costs and benefits "rationally", you'll probably never have a child. We wanted a child and we are fortunate enough to have one.
Personally, I don't think that "There is nothing as pure and selfless as devoting ones self to their child." That's very subjective. There are a lot of ways to be selfless. Would devoting yourself to an adopted child be more or less selfless? What about devoting yourself to your friends or your platoon? I don't think that you can rank one above the other.