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Old 05-09-2003, 04:00 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Key difference between liberals, conservatives – and their children


The kicking time bomb

Posted: May 9, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003

What were they thinking? Were they thinking at all? Where were the parents? How did we get here? Dateline Chicago, the suburban Glenbrook High School now infamous worldwide for the incident of their senior girls "hazing a group" of junior girls at a powderpuff football game. Dateline New York, an upstate high-school baseball team visiting the big city. One of the parents accompanying the team decides to take 14 of the players to a strip club. Dateline Los Angeles, the kid behind me in the seat in first-class refuses to stop kicking my chair even after I ask his mother to make him stop.

What's the link?

Kids out of control, and parents who are complicit in how and why their kids behave the way they do. I brought this up on my radio show this week, and you should see the hate mail that came pouring in. I had the gall to say something along the lines of, "Kids are out of control, because their liberal parents never told them no!" My phone lines lit up, the e-mail piled up, I think my blog had a server attack – why was this so offensive?

Maybe it was the fact that we had to listen to the droning voice of Robert C. Byrd this week. His opining about why President Bush landing on the carrier U.S.S. Lincoln was shameful was some of the fall-down funniest moments I have seen in the Senate in a long time. In fact, I say give him his own TV show.

Maybe it was the fact that one of the paragons of conservative virtue was embarrassed badly this week, and liberals felt the need to take aim at others besides Mr. Bennett.

Maybe it was the fact that a group of liberals got together in South Carolina last Saturday night and agreed that the two biggest issues facing America were Soviet-style health care and whether or not "gay" South Carolina men should be able to give each other a poke with Mr. Happy and not go to jail for it. (Heck if this was my slate of candidates, I'd be pretty mad too.)

But whatever the cause, liberals didn't like the fact that I blame them for much of our youth's confusion and subsequent atrocious behavior.

As I told the story of my red-eye flight from Los Angeles to Chicago and how I sorely needed the precious hours of sleep on the plane, I was told by callers and e-mailers alike that the reason the boy was kicking my chair – even after I had glared at him, asked his mother and the flight attendant to do something about it – was really all my fault. That I had somehow instigated this little cretin into bugging me.

I really did myself in after that because I said something to the effect, "Well, when a mother simply stares at you as you ask her to control her little Damian of a boy, is it any wonder that when kids are becoming seniors you see them kicking the crud out of their classmates, breaking bones, shattering skulls and causing hearing loss?"

As the callers called they continued to object to my over simplifications and examples of out of control youth. One lady actually asked me an intelligent question: Why? Why did I associate the out-of-control behavior with liberals? It was by far the most intelligent question asked that day. The reason was simple.

Conservatives hold convictions and values. They believe in them. They teach them to their kids. They write books about teaching them to their kids. They get involved in activist activities like holding up signs at an intersection showing the truth of what an abortion does to the unborn baby – and in the process, they get spit upon. Conservative values mean something, and thus why they suffer the maltreatment – because in enduring, they persevere to the greater good. Conservatives do believe not only in good vs. evil and right vs. wrong, but in the varying degrees of each as well.

Liberals don't. Liberals believe in expediency – not process. That's why someone should just be given a check from the government instead of going out and earning their keep. That's why people should be allowed to kill unborn children – because that kid will end up getting in the way of my life. That's why liberals – and apparently in record numbers given the response at last week's presidential debate – believe that you shouldn't make a difference in saying whether or not it's good for a man and woman to be married as opposed to a man and a man. (According to John Edwards, by the way, this is the greatest issue facing America – Frank and Johnny in the bedroom – not terrorism or 9-11 or anything like that.)

"But Kevin ..." I heard them say, "what about all those conservative hypocrites like Newt, and Livingston and now Bennett?"

But here's the difference: When Newt and Livingston cheat on their wives, fellow conservatives don't stand for it – they resign. When liberals get serviced in the Oval Office (by a girl only slightly older than their daughter) while firing missiles at supposed terrorist sites – their favorability ratings go up amongst their core voters.

Adults doing whatever they like in life – and saying "screw you" to the rest of the world – produce children who then ponder the definition of what "is" is.

Adults that teach their children the difference in good vs. evil, and right vs. wrong, generally have kids who make choices that reflect those values as well.

So let Sen. Byrd babble on endlessly about what a shameful spectacle it was for President Bush to land on the carrier and thank the troops for their service. At the end of the day, that proud military knows the difference in the two men – and it is the conservative of the two that they have the respect for.

But then again, because liberals have no absolute value system, they wouldn't know respect if it kicked them in the face (though the kicking part they seem to have down).

So, do you agree or disagree with this?
I agree with every single word that is in this article.
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