Regarding your first subject about her faking it: I wouldn't be upset at the fact that she faked it once or twice ( maybe more or less, but that is none the matter ) but rather try to communicate as to find out why she felt she couldn't be open with you about it to begin with.
As for the second issue, it sounds likes she got defensive of you wanting to talk about this. I can only assume ( you will have to ask and find out ) that she took it as you accusing her of lying to you and thus violating your trust, so she turned around and accused/brought up something that you have done that is mistrust in her eyes. I wouldn't get upset over this as it is a natural reaction, but I would try to keep the communication lines open between the two of you and try not to come across as aggressive like trying to "win" an argument, but rather share your thoughts and your feelings, and encourage her to do the same to you.
All the best
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.