Originally posted by Sun Tzu
Are you really in Russia Mr.Smashy? Im not trying to insult with that question, but I know some joke their location.
No. Its a reference to a comment made by Pat Buchanan about Canada. I think its funny.
Anyways, that's a fair opinion...the problem is that there are just as horrible things going on elsewhere that the US isn't doing anything about. Why? There aren't any other benefits for the US there. While I can support opposition to human right violating regimes, I still think it needs to be internal and part of the growth of civil society towards eventual democracy et al...and that the Bush administration's intervention can lead to more trouble than it will solve in the long run.
Regardless, even though I could potentially support intervention to remove a dictator - with the understanding a quick move to democracy would be impossible since the institutions of American democracy being transplanted to another nation mean nothing without civl society that can't be imposed - that doesn't for me translate into support of what the Bush administration is doing or avoidance of criticisms of the Buish Administration.