Originally Posted by spec1alk
im looking to spend $150 or less for the motherboard and proc.
I just want the most bang for buck at that price range. Onboard lan is not necessary but nice, onboard sound would be a plus but not required. Dont need sata or ide raid. I also have an AMD XP 1800+ on a soyo k7v dragon+ mobo with 2x60gb maxtor drives and onboard sound/lan. I think it only has usb 1.1 though. I dont remember which it has but it has either a radeon 9500 or a gainward geforce 3 ti 200 in it.
What I am going to do is turn one of these boxes into a linux box and the other will go to my fiance. She will use it for web browsing, writing documents, misc crap. No games though. The linux box will be a miscellaneous. FTP/HTTP possibly SMTP and NNTP. compiling c running perl. php dev box. cvs server. Just a whole sleuth of misc linux stuff to play around with.
any recommendations.
Ok, how bout this then: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ "Barton", 333 FSB, 512K Cache Processor - Retail - $96.00
ABIT "NF7-S2" nForce2 Ultra 400 Chipset Motherboard For AMD Socket A CPU -RETAIL - $69.18
Total: $165.18 - best combo you can get for around $150, IMO.
What do you say to one last showdown?
- Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid 3
The password is "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
- The Colonel and Snake, Metal Gear Solid 3