Originally Posted by The Phenomenon
I'll put it down as simple escapeism, and in the case of some games, the story.
Its a mix of being someone else, watching a movie and achieving something challenging that requirs skill.
Games are what you get when you take the appeal of movies, sports and stories (books) and other logical challenges and throw them together.
I like that example because I'm an obbessive book reader, which by bf thinks is funny, because if I get a new book, I stop doing everything else and ignore things to finish reading it. I've used this comparison when talking to him about gaming. I wanted him to know I get as involved in something like he does with his gaming. Also I'am a dorky Ebay addict. Don't laugh too hard
I try to understand and not criticize, but sometimes I get fed up not understanding the attraction. So I figured the only answers would come from more articulate gamers (my bf is of few words at times, which is okay but can be frustrating at times

I was wondering if gaming was more like an escape thing, where you can be taken into another world. I just never really have gotten into it for whatever reason. (Money I guess and lack of knowledge about the games & computers etc.)
But I can totally understand the getting into the plot of the game and being able to problem solve situations and give yourself that since of satisfaction of accomplishment (which lord knows we all need sometimes!

Actually my bf is a big fan of Counter Strike and the Camelot game? (I forget the name) I was wondering if you guys knew of anything I could maybe buy him in the future relating to his fav games. I don't want him to feel that I discourage his hobby or don't want him to do it. Thanks for your insight it really helps me relate to his gaming!