Locomotive your pritty brave for outing yourself there and I'm gonna thank you for giving me the courage to do so myself.
kjroh, I'm a pritty honest person, at least when I do figure out what my feelings are. I'm a Pisces and I flip flop like a fish all the time. but this experience has tought me that being truthful is the single most importiant thing at the core of a relationship. if I don't have trust I don't have anything at all.
yeah, heh, spelling...I don't have spell check on this rig here. and I don't type or write for a living, not that it's an excuse.
tooth, frankly, if I honestly found myself talking to a woman that truly seemed interested in me, be it a feeling or if she flat out hands me her phone # I'd come out with it. "look girl, your really sweet, I really like talking with you alot. please forgive me if I'm out of line or getting ahead of the situation, but I have herpies and you better know now when it really dosn't matter".
if she's brave enough to go on with it she may be a winner. as far as I understand it's not that much extra hassel to be sexual and not transmit it. after all I was still clean after 3 years of regular sex w/ my gf. including some lucky encounters with her underwear just pulled to the side and scuffing me up. seriously lucky then cause I'd have grown a rash of blisters up the side of my dick.
so yeah, I'd almost wear a button that says I'm HP, believe you me I'd shure apreciate it if my gf had done similarly. for god sakes have some respect for others.
plus now there are drugs you can take if you DON'T have it that makes it harder to get so I hear. I haven't looked into it so I don't have links or any specific info to post.
screamincheetah, heh, pritty funny, and that's cool cause if you can't find humor your FUCKED anyway !
absorbentishe- "I know someone how has it, and has no problem sleeping with who ever.
Of course she must not be telling them ." heh, well if you ask me that's pritty fucked up. no offence to you or your friend, but it's just not right. if your gonna mix it up with someone rubbers or not, shit happens rubbers can break or fall off etc. fucking up someones LIFE just to get off one night is incredibly selfish.
some people shed active cells only during an ob, women can as I've said have an ob and not know for shure. some people shed active cells ALL THE TIME !
denim- I think it's quite diferent for diferent people. when I first got it I found a messageboard of people with it and there were alot of diferent stories. I think theres diferent kinds like the flu virus. some people's systems are weak and some strong so that can factor in alot it also depends on where the thing starts out. from what I understand, it usually re occures at the same point, but that's a generalization.
my experience is somwhat common in that it'll start like a tingle and sort of athalete's foot fever itch (mild though) if I check and it truly hapening, they'll be a little blister -sounds freaky but it just looks like a zit on your face would but smaller. it may get a tad bigger ( about 1/8" in my experience) then it'll open up (yeah I know YUCK) you'll wait for it to dry up and form a scab and heal like any other scab would. but the scab will not start for a week or so so yeah you have an -ghaaa- open sore for a while. meanwhile as this is going on I'll feel extra tired and my lower back will be sore. ( that where it lives while dormant, (yes I've had all sorts of Gigeresque visions of a parasite creature living in me) anyway as the scab heasls and falls off like any other. I feel better and better and life is good again. agaiin I must say that's just me. and as I've said somehow I haven't had an ob in about 4 years or so.
here is a link I read when I first got it
also that mesg board I lurked when I got it
wow, Mr Hyde, I just previewed my post and I see yours too now. well, I'm still with the same girl myself and like you, I don't blame her or throw it in her face, I know she feels bad enough all by herself. and I know she was lied to herself as well. I'm disapointed by her fearfullness but too empethetic to her own pain to rage on her and walk off. since I've never spoke of this to anyone but one friend, I've always wonderd if I should have left her for doing this. but at the time I felt I was now a leper and I probably wouldn't ever find another person to be with, also I didn't want to deal with the pain alone, but I was so disgusted with myself I didn't want to tell anyone else.
anyway, Mr Hyde thanks, your story makes me feel better if I do ever break off w/ my girl.